Painting the Town Purple

The Purple Line project had one overarching goal:  to raise awareness around the need for improved transit in Miami.  As it turns out, thousands of Miamians are not only aware, but they are engaged, involved and ready to be part of that transit community.   The Purple Line project created quite a rumble, reaching tens of thousands of individuals through social media and conventional media outlets.  

We are so overwhelmingly grateful for all of the support in making this happen.  Below is a preliminary (yet formidable) list of the coverage that Purple Line enjoyed -- check to see if you or anyone you know is in one of the many pictures! If there are other sources or other pictures that you would like to share, please comment below or email us at

Thank you again for being part of this!  Stay tuned for the next.

The Train Approaches

Hi Friends! Purple Line is only a few days away. Here's the up-to-date info you'll need to enjoy the festivities!  

Where: 3651 NE 2nd Ave, Miami, Florida 33137

When: March 8th 12pm-10pm & March 9th 10AM-11pm

Be sure to check out: 

Also don't forget that the Purple Line is an official stop for the City of Miami Trolley on Saturday! This will also connect the trolley's Second Saturday Artwalk route for Wynwood.